We would love to hear from you. So, if you have a prayer request, please indicate such in the form below, submit it, and we will add your request to our prayer list. Or, if you simply have questions or a comment, please submit those through the form below, as well. We will pray over your prayer request. And, we will respond in a timely manner to any serious inquiries that we receive. Thank you for reaching out and God bless you!

We would love to hear from you. So, if you have a prayer request, please indicate such in the form below, submit it, and we will add your request to our prayer list. Or, if you simply have questions or a comment, please submit those through the form below, as well. We will pray over your prayer request. And, we will respond in a timely manner to any serious inquiries that we receive. Thank you for reaching out and God bless you!

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Whether you live in the neighborhood or are just visiting our city, stop by and hang out with us. We’d love to meet you. And, we mean it when we say, “you are only a visitor once, then you become family!” Find us at: 

1103 Mckinley Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio 44703


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